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L i n d a 

E c k m a n n

As one of the first in the Baby Boomer Batch born in San Francisco, the city where the United Nations charter was signed, I am deeply connected to peace. I was inspired by the existential questions the Beat Generation raised and they have hovered over my life since: the atom bomb, the Holocaust, the civil rights movement and now climate change.


Art has been my way to explore and reflect on my own journey and appreciate how artists before me have grappled with the same bewilderment of the human condition and conditioning. My work is a visual journal of reflection about home: family home, community home, global home and our home in the universe. It is about BE-ing, connecting and choosing communication to meet the existential challenges and preserve our "homes."  

The urge to create is within all of us and there are so many paths to choose from. I chose art and art chose me. But it was the viewers who completed me when they asked me to draw and make objects. I have had the opportunity to use my gift to serve clients making props and using my eyes to make aesthetic decisions which, afforded me the opportunity to maintain a workshop and the luxury of painting for my own investigation and discovery.


For many years I have been building up a body of work. My work was available to a select clientele of serious buyers who discovered me through word of mouth. But this year, I realized that I was ready to make my work available to a wider audience. So, I launched this website and, for the first time, I am committed to making my work accessible to a wider audience. I’m pretty excited to go on this new journey. 


Thank you for your interest.

Art Classes


University of California Irvine - Tom Jenkins


University of California Berkeley - Joan Brown


University of California Davis - Wayne Thiebaud and Manuel Neri


Laney Community College - Bill Snyder


University of California Los Angeles - Vasa Michich


Group Exhibits:


Big Shoe Sale, Holualoa Gallery, Big Island, HI 


Orange Memories, Untitled: Untethered, Laguna Art Museum, CA


Square Oranges, BC Space Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA   




Mosaic Installation, Homeless Prenatal, San Francisco, CA (on-going)


Juan Pifarre - Memorial, Mission Language and Vocational School, San Francisco, CA


Deer Witness, Laguna Canyon, CA


The Great Laguna Canyon Cover-Up, Laguna Canyon, CA


Tree of Life, Shindler Juden Memorial Tribute Wall, Jewish Community Center, Costa Mesa, CA


Monument for Water, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA


Monument for Earth, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA


X-cess X’s, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA,


Installation Participation:


The Gates Central Park New York City, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, NYC, New York


United Nations Common Ground World Project, Neil Tetkowski, New York City, New York


Wrapped Reichstag Berlin, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Berlin, Germany


The Umbrellas Joint Project Japan-USA, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Tejon Pass, CA


THE TELL, Mark Chamberlain & Jerry Burchfield, Laguna Canyon, CA




Vigil at the Cross-Roads, Bruce White, Laguna Canyon, CA


Hands Along the Canyon; Laguna Canyon Cover-Up, Laguna Canyon, CA

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